discover your unique path to success with:


A 3-Day Workshop Event For Women in Business

Learn to work in alignment with your unique seasons and cycles to get the results you want in your business. AND the joy you want too!

Sign-up here to bloom now & burn-out never.

    For soulful entrepreneurs, creative business owners, and bold community leaders

    who are ready to step into a season of ease + flow

    If you are tired of the quarterly grind, sick of hustle culture, and so over traditional growth strategies, this event is a must-attend!

    Listen love, now is the time to:

    • Slow down and still create speed

    • Rock your pace and honor your rhythms

    • Align your energy for optimal flow

    and bloom in every season.

    You in?

    It's time to flow with the rhythm of your soul and move at the pace of your desire!


    Find out what can happen when you drop into a supportive rhythm, one step at a time.

    Let’s spend 3 potent days together:

    Shifting away from the world’s pace and inviting in a spacious, seasonal approach.

    Moving through the cycles of business in a balanced way that welcomes your whole ass self.

    Harnessing the unique cadence of each season with more ease and more flow.

    So you can reach your goals without sacrificing your sanity, or your energy, or your joy.

    What’s inside each day:

     Day 1: Seasons

    Ditch the corporate calendar and anchor into a regenerative rhythm. Discover the problem with a quarterly approach to business, how it actually hampers growth, and what to do instead.

    Day 2: Cycles

    Say goodbye to feeling lost and step into a clear understanding of where to go next. Learn the three cycles that every business needs to create your best work, have your best launches, and align with the best people FOR YOU.

    Day 3: Flow

    Harness your new awareness to map out a seasonal approach that works WITH your creative rhythms instead of against them. Leave with a clear plan to support your energy in this and every season for a business that truly loves you back.

    hi beautiful friends

    a love note for you…

    I’m Kate (she/her), visionary business coach for brilliant women just like you who lead businesses with a lot of heart.

    I want you to know that you being right here on this page today is no coincidence. You are in exactly the right place and this is exactly the right time. You have been working your ass off, moving towards your goals, and dreaming of the kind of support that will take you to the next level without pushing you into exhaustion or burning you out. Well guess what?

    You found me.

    I am here to support you on your business journey >>IN<< … in tune with your inner wild, in alignment with your inner wisdom, and deeply invested in your vision so you can step into the big-ness that you know you are being called towards.

    Basically, I'm obsessed with helping you call it all in. So you can connect with all the things that make your world meaningful and your business blissful.

    If you’re ready to: 

    *Anchor into a supportive pace that promotes ease

    *Access a balanced approach to business that invites flow

    *Awaken to a new way of reaching your goals that prioritizes joy

    so you can bloom always and burnout never



    SEPTEMBER 26-28 || 11aM Akst

    Some things you might wanna know:


    • You'll be taken to a confirmation page and you will get a confirmation email with all your next steps!


    • BLOOMPRINT will be held live on Zoom all 3 days.


    • You’ve checked a lot of boxes that “should” equal success in business but you can’t help feeling like it could be better somehow.

    • You’re tired of traditional growth strategies for business and you’ve tried all the mindset shifts out there.

    • You’ve been looking for a new way of showing up in your business, a way that honors your cycles and rhythms and brings you more ease and flow.

    I am so in! What time do we meet?

    • Join me LIVE on Zoom from 11-1130 am AKST, September 26th, 27th, 28th


    WHAT IF I CAN'T ATTEND all 3 days?

    • That’s okay! Bloomprint has an open door policy.  Show up as you are, when you can, and trust that you’ll receive exactly what you need. Besides, there will be replays available!

    I’ve done a lot of free trainings, is this worth it?

    • Yes! My free trainings are so packed full of value that they often become paid offers later.

    • Yes! In my free trainings you leave with tools you get to keep and use forever. In this training specifically, you will receive access to the first three components of your unique BLOOMPRINT and an online tool that allows you to apply your Bloomprint to the next 12 months.

    • Yes! In this training you are getting full coaching access to me as I walk you through each day. That means that we are doing this together and I am supporting you through each step of the Bloomprint process.


    • I'll be walking you through 3 key components of SuperBloom, my brand new 6-month Mastermind for soulful entrepreneurs like you who are done doing business the traditional way and are ready to:

      - stop getting stuck analysis paralysis and instead, start loving their choices and trusting their intuition.

      - stop measuring their worth by external metrics and instead, start choosing an experience of success that best serves them.

      - stop forcing their way through the world and instead, start moving at a pace that honors their natural rhythms.